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Sax Rohmer

Sax Rohmer   (1883-1959)

Sax Rohmer, aka British journalist Arthur Sarsfield Ward, invented literature's most devillish arch-fiend when he introduced the deliciously sinister Dr. Fu-Manchu in 1912. What's more, when nearing the age of 70 he even exposed our unsuspecting world to a female counterpart of the devil doctor. Sumuru appeared in 1950, and forever after scholars have debated which is the more tasteful title: The English edition "The Sins of Sumuru" or the American "Nude in Mink". You can't but admire a pensioner that can think up titles like that! Our own effort, the upcoming WHIO episode named "The Insidious Cheese" - although bold - somehow falls a little short. But in due time, we will get it right. Then it's our turn to autograph books wrapped in silk dressing robes, unlit pipes thrust firmly between our stiff upper lips! So there!


The Insidious Dr. Fu-Manchu cover

After being out of print for far too long, Fu-Manchu is now back. Here's the three first novels:

The Insidious Dr. Fu-Manchu  (1913)

This book is the first, the last, the everything! Meet arch-British sleuth Nyland Smith and his nemesis, the yellow peril incarnate: Dr. Fu-Mancu!


The Return of Dr. Fu-Manchu cover

The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu (1916)

Personally, I prefer the title used for the serialisation: "The Devil Doctor". Apparantly the Norwegian translator shared my views. It was published in Norwegian under that name, and hence unresistable to my mother. (She was a nurse).
The mere rumour of this book's existence corrupted my literary taste already in tender childhood, so be warned!

The Hand of Fu Manchu cover

The Hand of Fu Manchu  (1917)

Those that think the brick-sized novel is a product of the word processor, should think again. In the heyday of paper media, journalists could hammer their typewriters faster than their pansy descendants can cut'n'paste from the Internet. Arthur Sarsfield Ward was no exception. The Fu-Manchu books are heavy enough to be used as murder weapons, numbering 250 to 350 pages each. And it's really all one continuos story filling around a dozen volumes. Read and enjoy!


BTW - There does exist a singularily good web site for all things Rohmer and Fu-Manchu. Look it up!

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